Chain Assassination (Hunter Branch of the Abilities Tree)

You can “work in the dark to serve the light” and be a real assassin.You can avoid long fights if you stay stealthy after the air attack.You can give death from above a new meaning.You can instantly kill completely unaware enemies.Say hi to the bad guys and introduce yourself from a different perspective with the Air Attack! Costs 1 ability point. It’s a great start to clearing out hostile territory silently. It just feels so satisfying to jump off a rooftop on an unsuspecting enemy, then “stealth” your way through the camp. One of the few little game mechanics that gave the franchise a fun element and it was introduced way back in Assassin’s Creed II. Air Attack (Warrior Branch of the Abilities Tree) You can parry some smaller wild animals.

The different difficulty settings can help and can be changed anytime in the game. Origins takes some time to get used to even for a franchise veteran, as the combat system isn’t anything like in the previous titles. What are the best moves to get an edge over your enemy?